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Our Mission

The mission of Right to Life of Wyoming is to educate the people of Wyoming concerning the reality and tragic consequences of abortion, infanticide, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia, including physician-assisted suicide.  Our vision is to promote a culture of life from conception to natural death.  We provide information for students, community and social groups, and church congregations.  

Our efforts are aimed at changing the law which permits abortion on demand and achieving a constitutional amendment to forbid abortion except to prevent death of the mother.  This organization does not support, plan or participate in activities which are destructive or deliberately confrontational in nature. 

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    Contact Information

    Wyoming Right To Life
    PO Box 287
    Cheyenne, WY  82003

    President: Marti Halverson
    Vice President: Open
    Secretary:  Sheila Leach
    Treasurer: Randy Rhodes

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